Website and User Experience

  • User Engagement

    The level of interaction and activity that users have with online content, often measured by likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

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  • User Experience Design

    User Experience Design (UX) – The process of enhancing the overall experience users have when interacting with digital products or…

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  • User Persona

    A fictional representation of a target audience or customer segment, used to guide marketing and content creation.

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  • UX

    UX (User Experience Design) – The process of enhancing the overall experience users have when interacting with digital products or…

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  • Web Accessibility

    Designing websites and digital content to be usable and navigable by individuals with disabilities.

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  • Web Browser

    Software applications like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari used to access and navigate websites on the internet.

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  • Web Hosting

    Services that provide the server space and infrastructure needed to publish websites and make them accessible online.

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  • Webinar

    A seminar conducted over the internet, often with interactive features like Q&A sessions and polls.

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