Digital Realm Glossary Archive


  • ChatGPT-4

    ChatGPT-4, the latest marvel from OpenAI, marks a thrilling leap forward in the world of AI language models. Think of…

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  • GPT-4

    ChatGPT-4, the latest marvel from OpenAI, marks a thrilling leap forward in the world of AI language models. Think of…

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  • Claude

    Claude is a conversational AI model developed by Anthropic, designed to offer coherent and contextually relevant responses in dialogue. It…

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  • Claude 2

    Claude 2, developed by Anthropic, is an advanced AI language model that serves as a significant improvement over its predecessor,…

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  • Claude 2.1

    Claude 2.1 is an advanced conversational AI model developed by Anthropic, launched on November 21, 2023. This model represents a…

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  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)

    The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page,…

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  • Clickbait

    Sensational or misleading online content designed to attract clicks and views, often without delivering meaningful information.

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  • Cloud Backup

    Storing digital data and files on remote servers or cloud platforms for backup and recovery purposes.

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  • Cloud Computing

    Storing and accessing data and software over the internet rather than on a local computer or server.

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  • Cloud Security

    Measures and practices for protecting data and applications in cloud computing environments.

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