Digital Realm Glossary Archive


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    The simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think and learn like humans.

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  • Augmented Reality

    Technology that overlays digital information or objects onto the real world, often experienced through smartphone apps or smart glasses.

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  • Authentication

    The process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system to grant access to a secure resource.

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  • Backlink

    A link from one website to another. Backlinks from authoritative sites can significantly improve a site’s search engine ranking.

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  • Bandwidth

    The capacity of a network or internet connection to transmit data over a specific period, often measured in bits per…

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  • BARD

    Bard is a conversational AI chatbot developed by Google. Initially based on Google’s LaMDA family of large language models, Bard…

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  • Brain-Computer Interface

    BCI stands for Brain-Computer Interface, which refers to a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. It…

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  • Behind the Tech

    “Behind the Tech with Kevin Scott”, is a podcast on YouTube that goes behind-the-scenes with today’s most innovative tech leaders.

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  • Bias in AI

    Refers to an AI system’s tendency to make decisions or predictions based on flawed assumptions or datasets.

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  • Bilingual Prowess in AI

    The ability of AI systems, particularly in NLP, to understand, interpret, and generate text in multiple languages.

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