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Jais 30B: A new era for Arabic language AI *

A group of Arab male and female Engineers and technicians working on LLM
Dalle-3 Creation of a realistic illustration of a group of Middle Eastern engineers, working together on a Large Language Model (LLM) in a lab.

On November 9, 2023, Core42, a G42 company, announced the release of Jais 30B, the largest and most advanced Arabic Large Language Model (LLM) to date. Jais 30B was released at a special event in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which was attended by government officials, industry leaders, and researchers from around the world.

At the event, Core42 CEO Omar Al-Olama spoke about the importance of Jais 30B for the Arabic-speaking world. He said that Jais 30B will “help to bridge the digital divide between Arabic speakers and the rest of the world” and that it will “accelerate the development of Arabic language AI applications.”

Capabilities of Jais 30B

Jais 30B is a state-of-the-art Arabic language model with 30 billion parameters and trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Text generation: Jais 30B can generate high-quality Arabic text, including creative content such as poems, stories, and scripts.
  • Translation: Jais 30B can translate between Arabic and English more accurately and efficiently than previous models.
  • Summarization: Jais 30B can summarize long and complex texts in a few sentences, while preserving the key information.
  • Question answering: Jais 30B can answer questions about a variety of topics, including factual and open-ended questions.
  • Code generation: Jais 30B can generate code in a variety of programming languages, such as Python, Java, and C++.

Release event highlights

Core42 CEO Omar Al-Olama spoke about the importance of Jais 30B for the Arabic-speaking world and how it will help to bridge the digital divide.
A demo of Jais 30B’s capabilities was given, including text generation, translation, summarization, question answering, and code generation.
A panel discussion was held with experts from the field of AI to discuss the future of Arabic language AI and the potential impact of Jais 30B.

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Potential impact of Jais 30B

Jais 30B is expected to have a significant impact on the development of Arabic language AI. It can be used to develop a wide range of applications, such as:

  • Machine translation tools: Jais 30B can improve the accuracy and efficiency of machine translation between Arabic and English, making it easier to communicate and collaborate across cultures.
  • Text summarization tools: Jais 30B can be used to develop tools that can summarize long and complex texts, such as research papers and news articles, in a few sentences, making it easier to stay informed and learn new things.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: Jais 30B can be used to develop chatbots and virtual assistants that can answer customer questions in Arabic accurately and efficiently.
  • Creative writing tools: Jais 30B can be used to help writers generate ideas and content, and to improve their writing skills.
  • Code generation tools: Jais 30B can be used to help software developers generate code more quickly and efficiently, and to improve the quality of their code.

Jais 30B is a powerful tool that has the potential to improve the lives of millions of Arabic speakers around the world. It is a significant milestone in the development of Arabic language AI, and it is exciting to see how it will be used to create new and innovative applications in the years to come.

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* Jais 30B was developed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, by Core42, a subsidiary of G42. Core42 is a cloud and generative AI solutions company that specializes in developing and deploying large language models. Jais 30B was trained on the Condor Galaxy-1 (CG-1), one of the world’s fastest AI supercomputers.

The development of Jais 30B was a collaborative effort between Core42, the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), and Cerebras Systems, a company that develops AI supercomputers. The training process for Jais 30B was completed in 21 days on the CG-1, which is a testament to the power of the supercomputer and the expertise of the team involved in the development of Jais 30B.

Jais 30B is a significant achievement for the field of natural language processing and for the Arabic language. It is the largest and most sophisticated Arabic language model ever developed, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way that Arabic is used in computing and communication.

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